// Copyright © 2002 by X2 Studios, Ltd., All Rights Reserved. // // You may incorporate this X2 Studios sample code into your own code // without restriction. This X2 Studios sample code has been provided "AS IS" // and the responsibility for its operation is yours. You may redistribute // this code, but you are not permitted to redistribute it as // "X2 Studios sample code" after having made changes. // // ************************ // layer utility routines * // ************************ function getStyleObject(objectId) { // cross-browser function to get an object's style object given its id if(document.getElementById && document.getElementById(objectId)) { // W3C DOM return document.getElementById(objectId).style; } else if (document.all && document.all(objectId)) { // MSIE 4 DOM return document.all(objectId).style; } else if (document.layers && document.layers[objectId]) { // NN 4 DOM.. note: this won't find nested layers return document.layers[objectId]; } else { return false; } } // getStyleObject function changeObjectVisibility(objectId, newVisibility) { // get a reference to the cross-browser style object and make sure the object exists var styleObject = getStyleObject(objectId); if(styleObject) { styleObject.visibility = newVisibility; return true; } else { // we couldn't find the object, so we can't change its visibility return false; } } // changeObjectVisibility function moveObject(objectId, newXCoordinate, newYCoordinate) { // get a reference to the cross-browser style object and make sure the object exists var styleObject = getStyleObject(objectId); if(styleObject) { styleObject.left = newXCoordinate; styleObject.top = newYCoordinate; return true; } else { // we couldn't find the object, so we can't very well move it return false; } } // moveObject function launchpopupscroll(url, name, width, height,scroll) { winSet = "toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars="+scroll+",resizable=no,status=yes"; winSet += ",width="+width +",height="+height+",left="+(screen.availWidth-width)/2+",top="+(screen.availHeight-height)/2; mypopwnd = window.open(url, name, winSet); mypopwnd.focus(); } function launchpopup(url, name, width, height) { launchpopupscroll(url, name, width, height,"yes"); }